Hey guys. Just needed to let you all know something.
I won't be uploading anymore tracks to Newgrounds for a while. It's because of my computer - it blocked the Newgrounds page. I'm using an iPad right now to type this. Anyways, the Soundcloud page isn't blocked, so you can still find me there! So if you want to continue listening to tunes from me, get a Souncloud account and head over there! Here's the link: https://soundcloud.com/evilgrapez-music
You may be wondering what the title is all about then. Well, to explain, let me start off by saying I now have a Bandcamp account. To celebrate, I decided to turn a bunch of my current songs into ringtones, complete with ringing noises and release them all on Bandcamp. Check them out on my page! http://evilgrapezmusic.bandcamp.com/releases
(to get a free download, enter your price as "$0" on the checkout page!)
Well, that's all for now! See you all on Soundcloud! ;D
Why did your computer block Newgrounds? D:
I'll still be listening to your songs on SoundCloud, but I might not review there because:
1) Lazyness
2) Even I got an account there, I would never use it :P
I hope you can get things working again soon!
Evilgrapez (Updated )
I'm trying to figure out that myself. I'm trying to get it to unblock it, but I'm not having any luck.
As for not reviewing on Soundcloud, that's okay - Soundcloud doesn't really have a review option anyways - only an option to comment.